Thursday, October 9, 2008

When in Rome...

Just a note to say I am in Rome. I arrived Tuesday morning at 7am local time (that's Monday night/Tuesday morning at 1am EST). We are staying in an apartment on a cobblestone alley (a street really, but the size of what we consider an alley) about two minutes walking from Saint Peter's and Vatican City. From our open window, we have heard musicians playing the accordion, scooters whizzing by, and friends calling for us to answer the door. I've wandered all over the city, we visted the Vatican, and we've eaten very well: pizza, pasta, and gelato. Lots of gelato. Flavors so far: pear, cinnamon & chocolate; giandula, mora & lampone (anybody know what these are?); limone and more mora; and finally chocolate ai chilli, caffe, and coconut. Seriously, this is the life.


Marietta Snyder said...

Isn't Rome amazing? You have to try fried zucchini flowers when you go out to eat--incredible!

Anonymous said...

Your description is wonderful, and I am left with overwhelming jealousy! I want to be walking through those streets eating gelato and listening to musicians. Enjoy everything to the fullest, Bri!! I can't wait to continue to live vicariously through you. :-)

Lori said...

Your trip sounds amazing so far! Glad to see you back on the blog!

C. Pommer said...

I tried some sort of Japanese ice cream today. It was described by another American as "cookies and cream where the cookies aren't cookies." Which I took at face value, although I realized partway through they were actually red beans. Still tasty.