Monday, December 29, 2008

Welcome to the Wardrobe!

Since I left on this adventure, I feel like I'm having some sort of Narnia experience with the passage of time.... Like even though time is passing for me, it seems like mid (or maybe even late) August, and I don't think it's just the weather here.... No way does it feel like almost New Year's. I keep saying "last summer" meaning 2007 and people assume I mean 2008 (right? because for the rest of the world, summer ended!) When I talk to someone who is in school or who teachers, I have to remember it's the middle of the year, not the first week! That might be part of my problem... I'm missing all my usual markers of the passage of time. This was the first fall since I was five that I didn't start a new school year, either as a student or a teacher. Crazy!

Now for something completely random, which character are you? I expect (to my disappointment and despite a rather wild imagination) that I would be Susan.... hmm, maybe I should make this a poll, but please add comments and explanations, too!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Bri, this is Raynera and I am definitely Lucy. I always believe in Aslan whatever from he takes and I am willing to risk everything at least almost to take the leap,