Thursday, November 27, 2008

New Feature

A meta-update... an update on the blog itself... I've added a feature: down the right-hand side, beneath the archives, you can now subscribe to the blog. Might be handy if you are tired of my inconsistent updating and wondering when you check if it will be feast-or-famine time. It would seem you can receive updates only when I post or when I post and when comments are made. Please try it and let me know how well it works: specifically if it is easy to use and helpful. Thanks!


Anonymous said...

Hi there! I hope you're doing well and having fun. You are in Delhi, India? Sounds rather interesting. I hope you try on a sari and some cool Indian clothing. Be sure to get some of those little colorful stickers to put on your forehead between your eyebrows. Those are fun! I do remember Shreya Patel, when we were in sixth grade, bring those in for everyone. I wore them to school even. Those little stickers are fun to wear- even for no reason. Although I do remember Shreya telling me that those dot-shaped stickers meant you were married. -shrug-Enjoy India! If you're there, I mean. I'm not sure. Have fun wherever you are and enjoy traveling. I'm sure it'll be a blast.

Bri said...

Laura! How are you? I'm in India, but not Delhi... I just bought a sari today and I've been lots of fun India clothing (there will be pictures eventually). I remember when Shreya brought the bindhi stickers to school.... I bought some of those, too. You and stickers.... you know, the yellow smiley face is still on my name tag :)

Anonymous said...

Yes, stickers and I have had a very strong bond, I must say. You still have the name tag with the smiley sticker? How did that sticker not fall off? I mean, you and that sticker must be VERY good friends! I hope to keep checking back here to see what you're up to! I hope you having fun! =) I'll post this message on your most recent... update, to the blog. The most recent paragraph... thing. In case you don't read this update thing to see my reply. =P The internet is a scary place! I'd hate to have my message forgotten!

Bri said...

Don't worry, Laura! I will always get your comments and they won't get forgotten (even with the terrible computers and slow connections in internet cafes). The blog emails me all comments, so I always get them-- even if it's an old post! And I love every comment I get :)